Your goal is to let the snake eat as many food as possible.
The snake can loop through the canvas, meaning if it went out of border,
it will reappear at the opposite side.
Start the game by pressing play_arrow.
Each step the snake takes counts for 1 point.
Each food fiber_manual_record
the snake eats counts for 100 points.
Once you have reached 2000 points, you will enter the 2nd stage.
Special food fiber_manual_record
will start to appear and change its position every 5 seconds.
Each special food fiber_manual_record
counts for 300 points instead!
The game will end if the snake eats itself.
To restart the game, press replay.
You can pause pause the game at any time,
and simply press play_arrow again to resume.
Please note that your highest score will be lost after you refresh or close this browser.